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I thought he went to the hospital because Yunho had left him thus Jaejoong was lonely and he became "mental" for wanting to see Yunho. Presequel - their story during high school Main story - their story when they're 27 year-old - started with jaejoong moving into the house of married Yunho. Thank you for making things clearer for us. Why is because of his family?? We've come a really long way, haven't we? D I do actually thinks that Jaejoong reads it gashiyeon english

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It's good to know this now as well, and it sucks that we don't ever get to know why Yunho was so cold to Jae when he came back, but maybe it is a sense of responsibility. Besides, in order to translate it, one have to get permission from the original author which might not be going smoothly if she isn't actively online at all time like some of us.

Gashiyeon - Thorn Year - We don't live in two different worlds — LiveJournal

I'm going to cry, it's too sad. You can go ahead and tell me the reason.

Presequel - their story during high school Main story - their story when they're 27 year-old - started with jaejoong moving into the house of married Yunho. OMO that should be good!!!!! Please be reminded that this fanfic isn't similar to those fanfics you had read, you got to read between the lines.

Alldetailed results viewable to: And your questions could be easily answered if you analyse the story a little bit, it's a little easy, so now, I'm going to explain to all of you. I wonder what caused Jae to have a mental illness though Here's chapter 1 of Thorn Lily: Thank you all so much for the encouragement! You know that SMM has a hard cover printed version as well right?

I'm at it again!!!!!!!!!!! I've been having a string of exams haha how has life been for all of you? There might be another reason behind it. Any other good Yunjae fics I've read. Reply Parent Thread Expand. The Fox's Cradle Chapter 6.

gashiyeon english

On the other hand I've found a few popular fics written by the Chinese. But do you know why jae suddenly has mental illness? I do try, but I tend to miss out a lot especially the older chapters so if I didn't reply to your comment, mianhe!! Log in No account? Will go back ebglish edit them when I can.

gashiyeon english

It really is a JaeHo fanficton?!?!! Has Jaejoong and Yunho read it before? So Jaejoong went to the hospital because he had a mental disease but what kind of disease? I had it but deleted it coz I don't know Korean. The reason why he would be doing will be kept unknown till the future chapters, and yes, he does have a reason.

There's 3 parts to it: I've heard about other famous K-fics, but for some reason I can't get my hands on any Chinese translations at all. Finally I've reached my break week!!! Well, I hope gshiyeon epilogue, written from A-hyun's perspective, will give you a proper closure and come to terms with how Gashiyeon played out: I'm still receiving tons of messages and friend requests but as some of you might know I've reached the maximum number of friends.

Yunjae's Secret

Thank you for the support! Like the people and things around them. Next, I have the frequently asked questions I got from my comments.


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